can i keep seramas with my flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 17, 2013
Can i put 1 male and 3 female seramas with 1barred rock rooster 1polish hen 1standard old English game hen and 2 bantam Wyandotte hens, or will the barred rock hurt one of the hens mating or hurt the male serama
Can i put 1 male and 3 female seramas with 1barred rock rooster 1polish hen 1standard old English game hen and 2 bantam Wyandotte hens, or will the barred rock hurt one of the hens mating or hurt the male serama
they'll fight if you just throw them in there right away. Best thing to do is put them in a pen side by side so they can interact and get used to each other
Was planning to introduce them slowly with a pen but im mostly worried about the barred rock possibly hurting one do you think he will try to mate with the serama hens and hurt the little roo buy the way to of the serama hens are 3 years old 1 is a pullet and the male is a cockerel the barred rock is one year old
Was planning to introduce them slowly with a pen but im mostly worried about the barred rock possibly hurting one do you think he will try to mate with the serama hens and hurt the little roo buy the way to of the serama hens are 3 years old 1 is a pullet and the male is a cockerel the barred rock is one year old
Well my orpington didn't try to mate with my bb red game bantams but all chickens are different. I'd keep an eye on them
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Hi just curious can i keep seramas in an aviary with other birds like pigeons and cockatiels
I keep my Seramas separate, but I agree it depends on the flock. I do have a Bantam La Fleche that CONSTANTLY bred my big, plump RIR hen. I had to separate them so he'd give my Bantam La Fleche hen the attention I needed for fertile eggs. My Silver Ameraucana has tried to get to my Seramas hens during free range time but he honestly tries to breed with ANY hen or pullet that's out in the field when he's out, if I don't want them to throw SA chicks I can't let them out when he's out. I'd definitely keep a close eye if you try it so they don't get hurt. Good luck.
To Rigo...The Seramas are so very small that maybe they should be confined separately....They will try to mate for sure...But general fighting and bullying would seem to be bigger concerns to me...Best Luck anyway...

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