Can I manage my neighbors instead?

One thing to remember about huskies is that they are notorious for getting over and under fences. So even if you spend a fortune and fence your yard, it may still easily get in. I can sympathize with your troubles. My stupid neighbors didn't think anything of letting their vicous dogs roam until I hit them with criminal charges and a lawsuit for it. I won. They lost. They still can't believe that their dogs are unwelcome to run loose. After all, they have only bitten a child once, injured 2 dogs, killed a dog and killed 13 pet chickens. Of course it could never happen again because they are sure that their dogs are too nice! You can't cure stupid. You may have to get the law involved. Even if there is no "leash law," there is certainly a law about menacing dogs roaming. What state do you live in?
two more cents...this is a good post! beware that husky, next time you see it you should be prepared. a dog that comes on YOUR home turf and is aggressive and threatening shouldn't get a second chance. good luck!

oklahoma is so lovely! love love love OKLA
:rolleyes:old timer here, what is the problem, my children and property are my # 1 concern. I would definately shoot the dog, no questions asked, him before my children, pets, property and me. Protection first

I chatted with my neighbors last fall and told them I was getting chickens. I reminded them their cats run wild on my 10 acres. I told them point blank....

"Kitty in your yard is your pet, kitty in my yard is a stray and strays are shot on sight, Same goes for dogs, no negotiations and I won't wait till I start loosing birds."

So far my neighbor hood is minus 2 dogs and will soon be looking for little lost fur balls.

Their freedom to let their pets roam, be it correct or not, infringes on your right to feel safe and let you have the pets/livestock you desire. It's you yard, you pay for it, you pay the taxes, it's your to do with as you please, why should someone elses lack of responsibility keep you from enjoying YOUR property.

Sight carefully and take no prisoners.

Judging from comments from another poster, I assume you live in Oklahoma. I looked up Oklahoma's dog laws. They suck. The state has no roaming dog laws or "shoot the dog to protect livestack" laws. Municipalities are allowed to pass dog laws. Perhaps there might be a county ordinance. It seems that outside of any city limits dogs are only prohibited to roam in parks or on school property if the school board has banned them. However, they do have a provision to charge dog owners if the dog kills a human. Boy, that's a day late and a dollar short!
You may have no choice but to SSS. I would also contact your state representative and advise them of their inadequate dog laws and ask for restrictions.
Wow, I opened a can of worms here.

Well, let me first say I guessed Husky because of its blue eyes and coloring but, I don't know. I do know that he's is 120 because its owner was like NORMIE... he wouldn't do that he is a big o'baby...LOL Yeah right. He not only cornered me but got my kids in the fort of their swing set and stared them down and they were up there screaming and thats when he got shot at... to scare him away.

Our 2 dogs do not have a fence and they tend to roam in our property and if anyone stated that they were scared of or our animals bothered them we would fence them. right now they seem to stay pretty close and have for almost 2 years.

As for the chickens... we got them and they are going to DEAL with it. PERIOD. These snoopers are constantly calling the city planning and zoning to tell about people braking the restrictions when THEY always do. Their boat is parked in the road all the time because they don't have a shed or garage for it...WE are suppose to have all motor vehicles in an enclosure. If you ask them they say its their right because they are rebelling against everyone elses blatant disregard for the rules.. LOL well they have done this since they built and no one else built here for 3 years. SOO

We will not be fencing our entire yard right now. I truly don't think a fence would keep him out since he usually walks right up our drive and at this point we are trying to build a chicken coop and some retaining walls so we can landscape. I cannot afford to dump the money into fencing right now. We can do it later. We keep our animals contained and expect RESPONSIBLE owners to do the same.
can you get one of those chain link dog runs? you can get them for about 100 dollars and that would keep them pretty safe, i would think.
It sounds like you're handling things well, andisgarden. It doesn't sound like your dogs bother your neighbors, and you at least mentioned to your neighbors that you're getting chickens, which you didn't have to. Don't worry about those particular neighbors and what they think about your clucks. Take care of your children and your property - don't put up with their dog if it comes back.
my chickens will have a fully fenced run but, when I am home and my dogs are in their kennel I will let my chickens roam... I will pray for the best.
Shoot the dog before its to late. If your lucky it will only be a chicken or a flock. Get rid of it before it hurts one of your children. I have a mother pitbull with 2 puppies wandering the lower half of my property. I will shoot all 3 the first chance i get.

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