Can I mix cedar and pine shavings?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Can I mix pine and cedar small animal bedding in my coop and run. I use the DLM in my coop and our run is covered and wrapped in plastic with top ventilation.
Tomorrow I will rake and leave the coop doors open. Will they be OK mixed in that way. The only way to get them out of my coop now would b to clear out all of my deep liter
I can open the two front Windows all the way tomorrow. On the back wall across from the Windows is a vent that stays open year round. I leave the poop door open as well. Tomorrow I will leave the people door open as well. In my pen we have the front and back walls without plastic. There is also top arch vents. If I mix and mix should I be OK. It really wasn't a big bag. It was about two feet by one foot.

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