Can I put two mamas and 7wk olds together??


8 Years
Oct 6, 2011
Pacific Northwest
I have two mamas and 10 7wk old babies.. can I put them together or will the mamas most likely fight?? I have thought about just pulling the mamas out and putting the babies together, but it gets down into the 20's at night here and I don't know if they will be okay without the warmth of their moms. They still climb under her periodically throughout the day to warm up. They are fully feathered now.. Don't know where to go from here..
In my opinion, I wouldn't worry about them fighting too much. Maybe little spats in the beginning, but the babies are big enough to be on their own anyways. So I'd just try it and see how it goes. Hope all goes how you'd like it!!
Are the babies from two different mamas? If so I'd be more concerned about the babies fighting then the bigs picking on them. You could certainly try it and watch them to see what happens.

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