Can I take 5 chicks on vacation with me?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Barrington, New Hampshire
I'm going on a 5 day trip. The car ride is about 6 hours. My mom and sister don't want to watch them so I either have to bring them along or stay. The chicks will be 11 or 10 days by the day we plan to leave (1 week and 4 or 3 days old). I just planned to keep them in a cardboard box on my lap,with a little bowl of water and food. They should be alright, right? I mean companies mail one-day olds. Plus, there are 5 of them. I plan to put those hand warmer things you use when your skiing in the box if they get cold. Think that would work?
day old chicks don't need food or water for 3 days so can survive

depending on weather as long as its warm and you give them plenty food and water they will be ok

if its cold then buy a ecoglow20 and the car charger plug, and plug in while in transit
I'm curious how that trip went for you. We took 10 chicks with us on an overnight trip when they were about 2 weeks old. They had a big card board box in the back of our Volvo wagon and we plugged in the heat lamp for them overnight.

By the second day several had started pecking at each other and had caused one or two to have small bloody bald patches. A friend told us it was from the stress of travel. I felt bad, though they recovered quickly once we were home.
Oh wow, I hope that doesn't happen. Sorry about your chicks. I haven't gone on the trip yet but I'll post the details of the travel when I get there. Most of the 5 chicks I have just sleep all day so I hope thats just what happens. When I peek at them every morning and such, the climb each other in the corner so maybe they will be like that?
Um, isn't that going to be a huge hassle? I wouldn't want to live in a cardboard box for 5 days or tote chicks around with me while on vacay :/

Anyway, your mom or sister can't make sure the feeder and waterer is full while you're gone- what's that take, like 2 minutes everyday? I think I'd be more inclined to just make sure they have enough food and water to last them and leave them at home...

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
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By 10 or 11 days, chicks are pretty active. I hope it's a deep box, because by a week old, they can hop pretty high. Personally, if my family wasn't willing to watch a few chicks for a few days I'd ask a friend. to do it. It will be much more enjoyable for you and your chicks if you can leave them home. They will be crowded and stressed being stuck in a little box for that long, and you will not be free to go and do things while on your vacation because you'll be taking care of the chicks. Have a good trip, whatever you decide to do!
I paid my mother to watch the babies. I was worried that they would stress. I brought Fudge though. She is 8 weeks and didn't mind the trip really. I put her in a small cat crate with food and water, and she was fine. Slept most of the 6 hours. Now that she is back in her normal cage she is acting the same way she did at home.

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