Can I use a rabbit hutch for ducks


In the Brooder
Oct 17, 2015
Hello I was thinking about getting some Campbell ducks and was wondering if I could keep them in a rabbit hutch as these are much cheaper. I was also wondering if Campbell ducks and Welsh harlequins could be kept together. Can't wait for your responses thanks.
Welcome to BYC. I don't know much about ducks. I advise you to post on the "Duck thread." for the best answers & advice. Just put Duck thread in the search box above, and it will pop up/

Not sure about ducks, I am using one for my baby a nursery. I don't see why babies couldn't be put in for a while. Mine is made of wood, not a wire cage..
I just thought as it is the right height and length and there is a sectioned off bit that I could use for a nesting box but thanks for your replies

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