Can I use medication to put down a sick bird?

If you cannot do cervical dislocation which is the kindest method to the chicken if not the person inflicting it, then a lot of folks have recommended using ether, which is marketed as starter fluid in your local auto parts store. An overdose of ether should do the task at hand. I am unsure of the specifics of the method having never used it, but I am sure some folks will chime in that have used it.

I am sorry. This is one of the toughest parts of poultry keeping. Good luck to you.
I am so sorry.
Okay, I had a sick rooster, brain injury. I gave him a handful of valium and xanax (dog has seizures). Never effected him. And he woke up the next morning crowing!

You can get them drunk, tho. The most humane way to euthanize is a sock over it's head and the axe. I couldn't do the cervical dislocation. Someone also told me that I could put a chicken in a box and let my car exhaust into the box. But I couldn't do that either.
I have 1 Cornish chick that have to be put down, we still figuring out how to do it. but we couldnt do any humane ways.
We doesnt have a gut to do it. how we can put it to sleep not died. just sleep?
is there a ways to make it go to sleep more like relax for it?
Okay, I had a sick rooster, brain injury.  I gave him a handful of valium and xanax (dog has seizures).  Never effected him.  And he woke up the next morning crowing! 

You can get them drunk, tho.  The most humane way to euthanize is a sock over it's head and the axe.  I couldn't do the cervical dislocation.  Someone also told me that I could put a chicken in a box and let my car exhaust into the box.  But I couldn't do that either.
did ur brain affected roo die then?

Chickenboomboom, I am super sorry u r going thru this. That ducks. U r In my thoughts. Good luck to you.
Check with your local humane society or even a wildlife hospital. They usually keep their own stuff on hand and my do it for a nominal donation. I work at a wildlife hospital and they would probably do it if I asked.
You are more likely to cause the chicken pain and fear by not just killing it quickly..when people commit suicide with pills it isn't an easy or clean death or fast death. You are just too incapacitated to help yourself...So don't try it on the chicken. It's silly, use a knife or an ax and just do it fast.
You are more likely to cause the chicken pain and fear by not just killing it quickly..when people commit suicide with pills it isn't an easy or clean death or fast death. You are just too incapacitated to help yourself...So don't try it on the chicken. It's silly, use a knife or an ax and just do it fast. 
well I understand where chickyboomboom is coming at; knot all people like blood. I think dislocating the neck wwould be best.

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