Can I use my roosting poles like this to accommodate my bird count??


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Johnstown Pa
I have one running along the wall. And I was wondering if I just put one right next to it. With a connector between the two somthing like this

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As long as you have them above the nest boxes and spaced roughly 20" apart they will find them with or without a connector. I always put mine at the same height to avoid conflict in the "pecking order". Pictures are worth a thousand words I know, but I am down to 15 right now and they are all on the same roost pole, If you haven't read already, the birds like 2x4 turned sideways so they are on the (4") side. I usually run a 2x4 vertical first (2") side up and then mount a horizontal (4") side up on top of that. This makes for a very strong platform that you can run for 16 feet without another support. In addition, I always install mine so the roost poles can be removed easily for cleaning purposes.
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So if I had two separate roosts on each side of the coop. They would use them? My coop is a rectangle. The door is at the front the coop. The nesting brides are at the back. And the roosting pole is on the left long wall. Would it be better for the roosting pole to go on the RIGHT wall or next to the other one on the LEFT wall?

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