Can I use shredded Paper


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Charmhaven - Australia
I not long got a paper shredder and I was thinking that I could use the paper to put under the roosts to catch the poop, at the moment I use pine shavings. Can I use the paper or will they eat it?
Shredded paper works, but it seems that no matter how hard you try some will get out into your yard and look like you just had a ticker tape parade. The stuff stays white for a long time.

I am no clean yard nut by a long shot, but it looks pretty crappy.
I tried the shredded paper thing once. For some reason pine shavings absorb the smell.

PAPER DOES NOT!... all it does is make a stinky mess.
I use shredded paper.

I only have a small hen house (3 hens) so I put newspaper on the floor and put shavings on top of that. Once a week I roll up the whole lot and replace them. Job done! It can be a little stinky but I just replace it regularly, weekly at the longest.

I also put the shreddings in the nest box. Warm and soft.

Plus, the whole lot composts down really well.

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