Can I use the pine shavings/chicken manure on my blueberry bushes?


May 16, 2016
. I'm not sure if the shavings/manure would be harmful or not for my blueberries or not. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
PS this is my first time posting (at this area) I hope I am now at the right place for doing this.
don't put the fresh manure directly to the plants.. put them in your compost bin and be sure to turn your compost bin every now and then

some plants prefer a more alkaline soil while others more acidic.. some like neutral

there's a soil tester that you can get and bags of lime or sulfur in the garden center

i think lime will make it more alkaline and sulfur will make it more acidic

this place has a good video about planting blueberries

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If it's aged it should be ok. You'll want the manure to be rooted/composted before adding it. The shavings will take longer to compost but you could use it as a mulch for your plants. I wouldn't till or bury the shavings into the earth - they'll rob it of nitrogen; add it as a top covering.
I was just reading a little on line about this same idea. I have had blueberry bushes in the past and not had much luck. I have one that is barely hanging on, so I might just go buy new ones and start over. Blueberries are very finicky, in my opinion, when it comes to soil. They like soil with high amount of acidity. I think pH is supposed to be higher then 6.5. Mine wasn't. The thing is, I believe the things you can put in your soil to raise the pH also lowers the nitrogen. So, I think shavings with chicken manure mixed in would be good for blueberries. At least I am going to try that when I buy my new plants and see how it goes.
Sulfur does make the soil more acidic. That was what I needed. I think I am going to mix my shavings and peat into the ground and let it sit before I replant. That video was very good. Thanks for posting.

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