can i wash my turkey


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
I just bought a turkey from the auction friday and where they had the cages the turkeys were on the bottom and got poop all over them. she has poop on her back and loves water but want to know if anyone has given their turkey a bath?? thanks
I had to laugh at this - reminds me of another thread:

I need to look that thread up - like to look at it when i need a laugh
hope it is still there....
Many people wash their chickens for show day,
so I dont see why you cant wash a turkey....

Welcome to BYC!!!!
thanks for the replies. my turkey did the same thing as that one did in the video. the other day i couldnt find her and for some reason i thought to look at the lake and there she was swimming with the ducks and geese.

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