Can mutts be good egg layers?

So, tell me, Pilgrim, what's a half egg look like?

Kinda like when I was in FFA and my Vo-Ag project were chickens and hogs and my sows avaraged 9.5 pigs a litter.
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Leah-yes I know I'm crazy :

This is really my son's project...selling eggs to save for a dirt bike. I'm just the facilitator

Sure, your son is the one addicted to chickens and hatching, not you.
I believe that (NOT!!!)​
I have 5 EEs, and I get 5 blue and green eggs 5-6 days a week, with 4 blues and greens the other 1-2 days. They lay much better than my Speckled Sussex--I also have 5 SS, and rarely get more than 3 cream-colored eggs a day. The rest of the hens all lay brown eggs, so I have no idea how many each hen is laying. 28 hens in all. The highest number of eggs I've gotten in a day is 25.

So, as far as I can tell, my EE mutts are the best layers in the flock.
I got some chickens from the swapmeet. Hell if I no what they are. They dont lay good. Some do some dont. I met some folks at a convention few years back. Sorry to here Gene Craft passed.

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