can my bantam rooster mate with my two buff orpingtons?

ah ok ty. how do i find this bullseye? and what does it look like?
Aart's drawing gets the message across perfectly but it might help to be able to look at photos. Sometimes it is not as clear as we all wish it were.

How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures) | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

hi! i have a little bantam rooster and two buff orpington hens and am trying to breed them. but even tho one of my orpingtons has a cluch of 12 eggs she still wont sit on them. does this mean her eggs are not finalized?
I'll agree with the others. It has nothing to do with the eggs being fertile. You cannot force a hen to go broody. Some will never go broody.

Typically I'd suggest you wait until a hen goes broody and then you start collecting eggs to hatch. But you only have two hens. So what you can do is to collect the eggs and store them so you can tell when they are laid. That may mean writing the date they are laid on them or maybe making a line with them where you use the old ones and keep the freshest. Whatever system you can come up with. One of yours may never go broody but if one does you have the eggs ready to go.

and if so can a bantam rooster even mate with buff orpington hens?
As others have said, maybe. It happens all of the time. As part of the mating act the rooster grabs the back of the hen's head. This is a signal for her to raise her tail up out of the way so he can hit the target. Without the head grab to tell her to raise her tail he cannot hit the target. If he cannot hold onto the back of her head and reach to touch her cloaca with his there will be no fertilization. You might be surprised at how well he can reach so check for the bull's eye.

Broody is a hormonal and bred “trait” its caused by lots of hormones at essentially random, though some breeds go more broody then others.

No, a broody hen will even sit on golf balls. They don’t care what they are on most of the time, this alone does not determine if they are fertile.

Size pictures would help, there are extremely small bantams and larger bantams.

Technically, a rooster can mate any hen. But a matter if it gets fertilized, thats another story. Picture him on her back, is he to small to psychically do anything? The cloaca must touch, if he is to small he will be mating her back and nothing will happen.

Do you know the breed of your bantam roo? A bantam serama is much tinier then say, a bantam cochin so it does help. :)
Here are the pics. On a side not he has gotten aggressive recently. Is that bc it’s like mating season or something? Also I think he has fowl pox. Do you think he does have fowl pox or something else?


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If he’s new it might take time, but does it look like its possible? It’s hard to know without knowing the breed of the rooster or pictures.
Here are some pictures


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Also I think he has fowl pox. Do you think he does have fowl pox or something else?
Looks like frostbite.
Just leave it alone, it'll heal up in a month or two.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Looks like frostbite.
Just leave it alone, it'll heal up in a month or two.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 3447458
Am in California. At the Central Valley. And thank you for telling me it’s frostbite. I really hope he gets better
Here are the pics. On a side not he has gotten aggressive recently. Is that bc it’s like mating season or something? Also I think he has fowl pox. Do you think he does have fowl pox or something else?
Hard to tell from the angle but i would say he can’t properly mate them. Assuming they are all fully matured because it looks like they are. How old is he? Roosters about 8 months will get spunky and a lot of hormones. It may also be due to lack of hens or frustration for being unable to mate, though i’m sure that isn’t it if he is able to fully mount them.
Hard to tell from the angle but i would say he can’t properly mate them. Assuming they are all fully matured because it looks like they are. How old is he? Roosters about 8 months will get spunky and a lot of hormones. It may also be due to lack of hens or frustration for being unable to mate, though i’m sure that isn’t it if he is able to fully mount them.
well good news is that i cracked open a recent egg and saw the bulls eye thing so it was fertilized! but i dont know his age. i got him from my aunts friend so amma have to ask her. is there any way i can make him be less aggressive? i read that you should just ignore him or pick him up to calm him down. and he never pecks me wile he is on my lab or being held. its only when he is on the ground.
Am in California. At the Central Valley. And thank you for telling me it’s frostbite. I really hope he gets better
Does it get to freezing there?
It will heal, just takes time, here's pics of the progression:

well good news is that i cracked open a recent egg and saw the bulls eye thing so it was fertilized!
Great now put some in an incubator and see if they develop,
because non fertile eggs can have that bullseye too.

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