Can My Chickens Eat......... Questions and Answers


7 Years
May 27, 2012
Lucky Duck Pond
This thread is for people like me! who have questions about what foods chickens can eat.

Hopefully we can get some experienced chicken owners to answer our questions.

There are no stupid questions! so ask away
Thanks! that's what I figured but just wanted to make sure! I always hear people feeding their chickens oatmeal but never Cream Of Wheat so I figured I would double check!.
Santa is bringing my 12 yo dd a little Serama hen for Christmas. She's about 3 1/2 months old and I just picked her up this morning. She's eating starter right now. Is it okay to feed her fruits/veggies? Is there an age you begin giving them this or can they have it right away? I'm new to chickens so I have a lot to learn!
Thank you! Are there any absolutely no-nos? I read somewhere no avocado.... I have some yellow squash here tonight...

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