Can my coop be my brooder?


Jessamine Cottage
8 Years
Aug 27, 2011
I'm expecting my first ever baby chicks to arrive next Wednesday. I've been building a coop, and it's almost done. Can I use the coop as the brooder? I'm currently set up with a quite large rubbermaid storage container, but I was thinking after the first few days, why couldn't I just move them to the coop and keep everything closed? Any thoughts on this?
Your coop would be an excellent brooder, especially if you have a Brinsea EcoGlow brooder heater! No heat lamps, no fear of fire or overheating the chicks. They just go under the heat panel to snuggle for warmth, and come out to run around. Self service temperature control! (I will never use heat lamps again.)

Just make sure there are no cold drafts on the chicks.
Absolutely. I brood out in the barn. All the smells, dust and noise are outside, where my wife insists they belong.

Multiple heat lamps work best for me. Three, in fact. All with different wattages which allow me to maintain a proper, but not too hot temperature. I use a utility trailer that is 5x8 so they have lots of room to play and self-regulate their own heat by being, or not being under the lamp.


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