Can my Mottled Java raise 11 chicks?


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
My beautiful, big Mottled Java hatched out 11 chicks today. I had not anticipated that hatch rate!

Can she keep this many babies warm and safe, or should I take some from her and raise them in the brooder?
Where are you? I would probably let her raise them, unless you are somewhere like Alaska, and even then.... If .they grow up outdoors with a mama, they will mature and become accustomed to the temps a little more quickly. They will go under her when they feel cold.

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I'm in SW Washington state. We have a pretty temperate climate. This week will be in the 50s, with nights in the low 40s. I definitely know the advantages of having mom raise them. Mom really does know best. I just hadn't expected a 95% hatch rate, so I was concerned that she might not be able to cover them all.

So far, she's doing well. If we get a really cold snap when they're a little bigger and she gets trouble covering them, I may bring some a in.

I'm also concerned that it might be difficult for her to keep them safe from predators and the other hens with so many little ones running around. Maybe this is coming from my experience raising twins: i found one, where did the other one run off to?
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