Can one chicken lay 2 eggs in one day, as it's first eggs ever?

My BSL laid these two large eggs this am. There were none in the nestbox early this morning when I gave them treats. 2 at lunch. She skipped yesterday. Guess she was backed up!

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Thumbs warming lol! We have a blue EE, I believe laying 2 eggs a day. you cant mistake that. we don't have another hen that would be a blue lay egg layer. She's been laying 2 eggs a day, every other day, or sometimes a couple days in between, for a few weeks now.
@Bulldoggergal...Thumbs warming lol!

We have a blue EE, I believe laying 2 eggs a day. you cant mistake that. we don't have another hen that would be a blue lay egg layer. She's been laying 2 eggs a day, every other day, or sometimes a couple days in between, for a few weeks now.
Not sure as it's first eggs ever. Although I have 11 Hens and today I had 12 eggs in the coop. I check the coop every night thoroughly just when the hens go on the roost to sleep for eggs and I collect them. I know that one hen laid two eggs in one day because I went 11 for 11 the previous day and now 12 eggs from 11 hens today. There is always the possibility of a family member playing a joke and adding one but I know that's not the case. My hens are 6 RIR, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 barnyard (golden Sussex), and 1 white hen that lays green eggs everyday/ not sure the breed but what a sweetheart.
Btw: What color of leggs does your white hen have?
I could swear that once or twice I've noticed that there were too many eggs for the day so I guess it's possible...the first time though, ouch, rough start! My buff's laid double yolks when they first started but only single yolks since the first week or so....

Perhaps the phenomenon of laying two eggs a day is a result of Global Warming...who knows;)
Bulldoggergal thumbs warming lol!

We have a blue EE, I believe laying 2 eggs a day. you cant mistake that. we don't have another hen that would be a blue lay egg layer. She's been laying 2 eggs a day, every other day, or sometimes a couple days in between, for a few weeks now.
The two blue eggs are always right next to each other. We don't have 2 blue egg layers. We had a camera close to the nesting area, had to take it out b\c it was not working right. It's fixed and back in the coop now, so hopefully we'll get to see if the two blue eggs are in fact coming from our EE-Tuffy girl as suspected to be :).
I'm replying to an old thread but today it appears that one of my hens layed two eggs. I have 8. My two legurns lay white eggs. My two red sex links lay medium sized dark brown eggs. My EE lays a green egg. My Brahma lays a dark brown egg with raised brown spots. My Australorp lays an egg that is very light brown with dozens of white specks. That leaves my gold laced Wyandotte. She lays a biege/pinkish colored egg. I saw her in the nest box this morning and she layed an egg. I let my chickens free range this afternoon and at around 6:15pm this evening I went to lock them in their yard and all of them were already in their house on their roosts. I had been gone for several hours so I checked the the two nest boxes and both were empty. Earlier in the day I had collected eggs from one Legurn, both red sex links, the EE, and the aforementioned GLW. Tonight at around 9:30pm I went out to lock their house and there was an egg in one of the boxes. So, it was layed between 6:15pm and 9:30pm and it looks like the GLWs egg. Could that be?
YEP .. we have 2 chickens don't know what kind they are .. 1 white and 1 brown .. (recused them a couple months ago) .. today 3 eggs .. 2 big beautiful eggs from the brown one .. : )

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