Can one chicken lay 2 eggs in one day, as it's first eggs ever?

I'm going to say yes. I have 2 marans and a plymouth barred rock. I found 4 eggs one day (I gather every afternoon). It was a maran egg, as they lay chocolate brown eggs and the plymouth lays tan eggs. I had 3 maran and 1 plymouth. I have 7 wk old Araucana that have not began laying, but oh, what fun!
Im also guessing yes, I actually got 4 eggs yesterday evening, we have 2 leghorns & a silver-laced Wyandotte. My DH said he checked yesterday morning & was sure he didn't see any. However we know how men are sometimes
. So assuming he was right, I got 4 eggs from 3 hens!
I've been getting double yolkers every other day for the last 3 weeks from my 23 week old silver link. A few days ago I was worried she was ill as she was waddling and out of sorts, within 30 minutes she just dropped another egg on the patio (early evening when she lays at dawn.) This evening I was again worried she was sick - head low tail up. We've had an egg today so I knew she wasn't egg bound. She just dropped another on the lawn and went straight to feed after.

Strange but I guess she doesn't know a second is coming, at least I can stop panicking she is ill.

I only have her and a RIR so it's easy to keep track. I guess the young ones settle down eventually unless someone can tell me otherwise.
Happened today! My Araucana laid 2 eggs! I know because she's the only one who doesn't lay a brown egg and I had collected earlier in the day. Went back at 4pm and voila! What a fabulous and unexpected surprise. I should note that she hasn't laid in a couple of days. Storing them I guess.
I have four girls who are all hybrids. I got them at point of lay about 6 weeks ago. They have been fabulous prolific egg layers. They started off at 3 eggs a day, but soon were up to 4 or 5. Gertie (black tail), Gloria (black rock), Silvia (Magpie), Bluebell (Bluebell), Dotty (Speckled), and Lotty (Light Sussex). They are free range and wondering about on a quarter of an acre. We are getting a regular double yoked (big egg), I suspect this is from the Black Rock, but we are sometimes getting seven eggs from 6 chickens in one day. We never get less than 5 eggs a day at the moment, and I'll be interested to see what the winter brings!! What fabulous little creature they are.
I know for a fact that my two Red Sex Links laid 3 pullet eggs today. That's what made me look on this thread. I'm not complaining.
Absolutely! One of my first chickens was a silver laced Wyandotte and she laid one egg in the morning, and another in the late afternoon. I only had two other hens, and neither one of them started laying for another two months. Gotta watch out for those over-achieving silver laced Wyandottes. :)
I have 4 Cinnamon Queens, 6 RIR all 16 weeks old, and two older Amercauna. A Cinnamon laid first, two at a time and she did this 3 days in a row. She laid one small one and one medium and the brown colors were blurred. Now a few more chicks are beginning to lay but she definitely laid two back to back, I watched but the others are laying one jumbo ones. This is why I posed this question and got to this blog. Apparently it is not as uncommon as I thought. I love my chicks.
i collected 6 eggs this morning from my 6 hens. I went to get them into the house this evening and found one more egg. so one has laid 2 eggs today.

I haven't had this happen yet. I write the weight and date on each egg right after I collect them (to keep records). So no one could sneak one back in the nest box to trick me.

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