Can pullets eat chipmunks, gophers, ect.?


7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
My two ten week old pullets are in the coop sleeping right now, and while they live the life in their luxurious coop, I'm out here working. Here in the burbs of Illinois, we get A LOT of gophers, and some of them have been camping out by the coop. Will my chickens attack and eat them? I hope so because the less roadents the better :D So also anything around that size also... Thanks!
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If it's a mature gopher or chipmunk and it's healthy they may not fool with it. Young ones they may gobble right up.

Here in Florida we have Pocket Gophers. Seldom seen above ground they tunnel like all gophers and make a long string of sand mounds (they're also called sandy mounders or even salamanders) across pastures and fields. Had one tunnel into my henyard once. He was actually on his second mound before the hens got him.
Ha ha

Mine were eating scratch when this chipmonk kept coming over to steal some. The birds kept chasing it off, and finally, one of the girls got a hold of its tail and took it right off! I can imagine what she would have done if she had gotten a good bite! She kept the tail in her mouth for a bit to show the other girls her prize. The chipmonk still comes back. Dumb chipmonk.

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