Can quail eat these?

Nov 12, 2018
I decided instead of buying a pre-made quail or game bird food, I want to make my own due to specific qualities in the food I'm looking for. I plan to grind up some of these for them unless they can eat them whole if they can eat some of this whole let me know.

Producers pride layer pellet (crushed or whole?) 40%
Millet/birdseed %10
Purina ONE smart blend puppy food (crushed or whole?) 5%
Split Green Peas (crushed or whole?)10%
Nutrena Nature Wise Rabbit Pellet (crushed or whole?) 4%**
Flax Seed 6%
Corn (crushed assumed) 10%
wheat 10%
Oats 20%

Diatomaceous Earth as an addition to the feed.

Are there any vitamins I should be aware of to add-in? I'm mainly making my own to fit it to my needs for what I'd like to feed my quail, they will mainly be layer quail and breeders.

**This is mainly a mineral-based food and has little salt, I use it for my rabbits and its the best I've used, my chickens get it as well with their Producers pride pellet just to get more minerals.
Any hard feed for quail needs to be crushed to accommodate their small size. Hard-boiled eggs and shell (crushed) and dried meal worms are also favored by quail.
Just remember the standards for pet (dog and cat) food are no where near as stringent as those intended for human consumption. Whereas formulated poultry feed cannot contain anything that potentially poses a threat to human health (because we may be eating what we are feeding it to), dog or cat food potentially could. I've also found that birds (of any kind) don't tend to willingly eat flax seeds.

Quail do love sprouted alfalfa (a great source of plant protein) as well as sprouted sunflower seeds.
Hi, I'm not an expert, but what we feed our bobwhite quail is a mixture of millet, poultry feed, crushed sunflower seeds, dried meal worms, crushed eggshell and for special treats we feed them small berries, meal worms, peanuts and greens. The only things I would suggest you grind up are eggshells and maybe sunflower seeds, nuts or anything too big for them to eat. The main food we give them is poultry feed, a small handful of some of the rest is good. This is what we feed our bobwhite quail, but not sure if all quail types eat the same things. But you are welcome to try these foods out if you would like to. Good luck. Hope this helps! :D
Just remember the standards for pet (dog and cat) food are no where near as stringent as those intended for human consumption. Whereas formulated poultry feed cannot contain anything that potentially poses a threat to human health (because we may be eating what we are feeding it to), dog or cat food potentially could. I've also found that birds (of any kind) don't tend to willingly eat flax seeds.

Quail do love sprouted alfalfa (a great source of plant protein) as well as sprouted sunflower seeds.
There is flaxseed in the scratch we used to give our chickens(the feed costs too much though so not feeding it all the time), they ate it, and we give them extra flax at times as treats\ when we have it.
Just remember the standards for pet (dog and cat) food are no where near as stringent as those intended for human consumption. Whereas formulated poultry feed cannot contain anything that potentially poses a threat to human health (because we may be eating what we are feeding it to), dog or cat food potentially could. I've also found that birds (of any kind) don't tend to willingly eat flax seeds.

Quail do love sprouted alfalfa (a great source of plant protein) as well as sprouted sunflower seeds.
I forgot to mention in my reply, that I decided to not do the pet food because I literally just found out most pet foods can quite literally be ground up pets from a rendering plant. I'd also note, don't look up rendering plants, quite disgusting, I'm changing my dogs to something even better now from how gross their food is made.

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