Can someone help me understand hackle feathers and saddle feathers??

O.k. i think i'm understanding.

My rir cockerels are 13 weeks, and the pullets are 10 weeks. Do you think i should be able to tell the difference from their hackle feathers by now? Or am i jumping the gun?
HAha! Great picture! Thanks!
i have an ee that is mostly black and white with some brown in the wings, it starting to grow green black feathers in its tail. does this mean its a roo or could it still be a hen?
Thanks for starting this thread, it has been very informative! I'm still on the fence about one of my 6 week olds. She/he started out with all the "classic characteristics" of a pullet of a breed that is supposed to be "easy to sex at hatch" (barred rock). She/he has rounded feathers and still has many of the female traits, but every time I post a picture I get a bunch of "nice roo" comments. I won't give up on her until "she" crows!

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