Can someone help me.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013

I am wondering if this is twins? We are at day 12 of incubation.
You could post that photo to Facebook with the caption: "New species of fish found in deep ocean vents using a method of luminescence previously undocumented in any other living creature. Creature's eerie "smile" has scientists baffled."

You wouldn't get any answers to your question, but you might start a new viral story that Snopes would have to check into. Just sayin.

Also, I don't know anything about twins. But that sure does look like two embryos to me. Good luck & keep us posted!
You could post that photo to Facebook with the caption: "New species of fish found in deep ocean vents using a method of luminescence previously undocumented in any other living creature. Creature's eerie "smile" has scientists baffled."

You wouldn't get any answers to your question, but you might start a new viral story that Snopes would have to check into. Just sayin.

Also, I don't know anything about twins. But that sure does look like two embryos to me. Good luck & keep us posted!

I think u might have twins! Be ready to help the hatch if need be.
Thank you for the replies. I might candle again in a couple of days to see. I've kept chickens most of my life, but incubating and hatching is new to us.
Umm, I just had another look and think it is twins. I don't hold out much hope for them unfortunately. It's the smallest egg in the clutch, fingers crossed!!
I have overdue chicks by 3 days. The eggs are wobbling about in the incubator and I can hear lots of chirping. The humidity is good, when do you worry if they may be stuck?
Have they pipped yet? If not, I wouldn't worry. Your temp may have been a little low, which will cause them to be late. If they are stuck, there is not much you can do to help, anyway, that won't do more harm than good. Give them another day & check in. Hope they start pipping for you soon! :)

We have life!! Great timing little chick, just in time for Easter. The others have all pipped, so it's all good.

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