Can someone help with breed identities..


Apr 18, 2014
about 11 weeks old maybe black sex link?
about 8/9 weeks old California grey?

wyndonette? 8/9 weeks old. no cone.
Top is an easter egger,
Second, can't really tell without seeing the legs but could be California Gray, but more likely Barred Plymouth Rock, breed's more common.
Last two are Silver Laced Wyandotte.
legs are still yellowish neighbor has barred rocks. but they are black and white rather than light n dark grey
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That is probably a Barred Rock pullet. Grays are much rarer, hmm, it does look a mite pale for one, indeed, but could just be the juvie plumage.

BR have red earlobes, CG white ones. You will know when she gets older :D
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1. Easter egger
2. Barred rock, cuckoo marans (if the legs are white/pink), or dominique (if it has a rose comb)
3. Silver laced Wyandotte
Top bird is an Easter Egger pullet. Second bird is probably a Barred Plymouth Rock pullet. Your third bird is a Silver Laced Wyandotte pullet.
Just wanted to give an update on the barred pullet. What we called a Plymouth Rock has laid five almost white eggs so now I'm calling Jilly and Lucy California Grey's

here is a picture of Jilly at 20 weeks (first started laying at 19wks)
Just wanted to give an update on the barred pullet. What we called a Plymouth Rock has laid five almost white eggs so now I'm calling Jilly and Lucy California Grey's
here is a picture of Jilly at 20 weeks (first started laying at 19wks)
I'd thought about going with the Cali Greys for a breeding project I'm doing. She's sure a pretty hen! And those white or almost white eggs can really set off the other colors in the egg basket.

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