can someone please help??My BO hen is sick and a favorite!


8 Years
Dec 10, 2011
I only have two BO hens, one is brooding chicks right now and this other one is sick. I noticed as I was working in the coop this morning that she was getting closer to me alot and puffing up...and closing her eyes...she is lethargic and ruffling her feathers, so immediatly I was scared of cocci or ecoli or something ....I have 16 chickens noone else is sick. I continued to clean and watch her and finally noticed a large swelling under her beak around her wattles it isn't down on the chest or on her throat...I opened her mouth and it almost is like her tounge is glued is swollen and inflamed and has funny looking tissue in front of the tounge area.It is hard and warm to the touch and red. I went and grabbed my momma bo and looked in her mouth and while her tounge sits further back in her mouth than say my amerecaunas it still moves around you can SEE it...I can't even see buffy's at all! I even tried to clean it out some she seemed so skinny i figured she must not have been eating, so i brought her up put her in the shed where my broody momma is and gave her a cage of her own in the warm shed (heater is running for the babies... )so she has medicated chicky crumbles to eat...and clean water I have given the olive oil bread and yogurt.... Ive been reading all morning and I can't find exactly what this is! it isnt on her chest or neck so didnt think it was impact crop....HELPPP I really dont want to lose her I dont think I can post pics yet since im a newbie on this forum... can this be a tumor?I can send pics of it to anyone who wants them,I am so afraid I noticed this too late.

ok have not tried the vitamins or safeguard but since she seems sick so I thought worming wasnt a good idea? from what I've read. And you can't eat eggs from them for two weeks after worming right? also it is a huge swelling that looks angry and tight and is making her ill somehow. she is fluffing and is unsteady on her feet.
The vitamins will help her out since she's not eating. If it is gapeworms, the wormer might stress her body but not getting rid of them will kill her. Other than that, I've no idea what could be wrong. sorry
well I am sorry to say I lost my Buffy in record time! The next day after this thread she died. here is the picture of her ailment that I couldnt post back then cause I was a new egg! Grrrrr So maybe if I ever see this again someone will know what It is?!!?!?

three days before we found her sick perfectly fine no facial deformaties


Her face after we found it thank got I snapped never got any bigger but it was very hard and tight and hot indicating infection


Also her tounge seemed trapped down or something when I looked at our other BO (our broody) her tounge sits further back than say our EE;s but it moves freely this girl has hers almost cemented DOWN and looked infected. even puss is that pic sorry it's GROSS!
but it is just her beak opened..poor girl died shortly after. In the end she was fluffed up,kinda had her head pulled in and her head was kinda jerking. We put her out of her misery


no there was nothing in her mouth we even tried to clean it out! it was swollen like that! ANy ideas??? any would sure help answer our questions!
One thing that comes to my mind is Fowl Pox. Do a google search of the symptoms for wet fowl pox. It may be what was wrong with her. Read this and this . Also, you can google pictures of wet fowl pox. It causes yellow cheesy looking canker sores in the mouth, throat, etc. Hopefully that isn't what she had, as it is very contagious. I would read up on it and see if you can find some info. on any measures you should take for your other chickens. I would also add that in the future whjen you have a sick chicken it is best to quarantine them away from any other birds. A totally different area and/or building to prevent the possible spread of disease. I am very sorry for your loss. Your first picture of her still healthy looks like she was a much loved hen.....sorry you lost her.
that is a case book wet pox death. Vaccinate all birds ASAP and fog with Oxine for 30 minutes every evening for at least 5 evenings straight. Other choice is to cull all birds now and start over. You could potentially wipe out every flock with in several miles of you if there are any mosquitoes still roaming around your area.

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