Can Squirrels kill chickens?

Yeah would just like to add I've seen a grey squirrel try to steal baby birds from a nest only to get scared and run away when momma or papa bird attacked it back. It ran out sort of sideways, odd-looking, so I think the bird pecked its eyes.

Also we used to have a bird house on the property. One day it felt down and by the time we noticed chipmunks were in it. By the fall, the chipmunks had moved on so we emptied the birdhouse to look at the nest inside, being curious and not thinking there would be anything bad in it. What did we find?

A decapitated bird head and neck. They had hoarded it in there with their nuts and then they must of left when it started to stink. It wasn't rotten when we found it, but who knows how long it had been in there?

Squirrels love eggs and baby birds. When they find food they want, they will scare off anything in the way. My neighbor throws out cracked corn for birds. One day a duck landed in the yard and started eating, well a big squirrel flew out of the tree and attacked him! So if they'll go after ducks they'll go after chickens. I bet the squirrel had been taking eggs, then got nasty when the chicken tried to take back its nest.

Moral of the story: don't underestimate "herbivores." They can be just as fierce as a fanged critter.

Squirrels are easily deterred by heavily sprinkling hot pepper flakes wherever you want them to avoid. It won't bother chickens; chickens can't taste "spicy" flavors.
Yes, squirrels will kill your chickens! I have lost two bantam hens to a large gray squirrel. They attack while the hen is on the nest. They will eat the head off and then the insides. Squirrels are omnivores, which means they eat meat and veggies. They will also eat chicken eggs. In the wild they are known for eating baby birds and bird eggs. Bantams are more often prey than large hens. Not all squirrels engage in this. I have raise hens around squirrels for 7 years with no incident, then, in one week, a large squirrel found an opening into the hen house and attacked. I found them the next day, hens dead, blood around the squirrels mouth. I will never look at a squirrel the same way again, but at the same time, I will not kill off all my squirrels for the act of one.
I added cayenne pepper to my chickens' feed and haven't seen a squirrel eating in their coop since. Glad for that. Will this effect egg taste though?
For now it's just a guessing game. My suggestion would be to put up a camera and see if anything comes up on it and most likely that will be the culprit especially, since it made a kill it will be back.
I checked on my chickens this am to find one on the floor with its head bitten off. All the other chickens were milling around!!
Nothing had dug under the coop, no evidence at all that an animal had got into the coop. The only animals I see regularly squeezing through the chicken wire is 'squirrels'. Is it possible the chicken may have challenged the squirrels as they stole food and the squirrels retaliated ???? I know they have sharp teeth. Any thoughts would be great!
I know this is 2021, but the same thing happened to my black & white crested polish hen this week. Found her downstairs, head off, opening on her chest. Looked like there was quite a fight. Only saw 2 small burrow holes. Little backyard coop was locked up tight. Full size hen was upstairs, still alive. Course, she took on a few mice, from killing to eating. What's with that? Daughter had a ground squirrel problem with her full-size coop with dozen chickens a few years back. So sad, Miss Puff was a great friend & pet. I don't care what some you all are saying that it doesn't happen - it did here.

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