Can this chicken be saved?

The best thing to do is to (if you haven't already cleaned it off) spray it down with a kitchen faucet sprayer and lukewarm water. If you have betadine or hibiclens to clean it off with use that, or use hydrogen peroxide only once, then rinse off. Dry it a little with paper towel. Apply neosporin or other brand of antibiotic ointment and leave unbandaged. Do not try to stitch this up since it needs to heal from inside out. Every day reapply the neosporin and watch for signs of infection. An antibiotic would be good--penicillin, amoxicillin, or keflex would be good ones. Feed her plenty of scrambled eggs, plain yogurt, and put apple cider vinegar (Braggs) in her water. If you do use antibiotics giving probiotics or yogurt is needed for gut bacteria health.
x2. Good advice. The only thing I can add to that, is make sure the neosporin does not have painkiller in it. It is harmful to chickens.
I agree with Sjisty. Keep her in the house in a quiet environment with water and mashed up scrambled egg near by. Put some on your finger and see if she will eat. Most likely she won't but will need water. If you can spray her with an antibiotic solution as suggested. A bandage would stick to her and just be a mess so no bandage. Put her in a box (it might not be necessary she won't go far) with old clean towels or rags. Nothing that has lint so it doesn't stick to her wounds. In my chicken first aid kit I keep a bottle of betadyne solution. In case of an injury I mix with water and using a small piece of wash cloth I dab the wound and dry with another wash cloth.

Her wounds are so extensive the solution if mixed too strong could be toxic. My suggestion would be 1 part betadyne and 5 parts water. Do it in the morning. She is in shock right now and needs rest. Try to give her DROPS of water now and a few times during the night. If you don't have a dropper just dip your finger in cool water and place a drop on the side of her beak. She should make some effort to swallow it. Don't force water so it doesn't get into her lungs.

Hope for the best but be prepared for the worse.
Well she passed about an hour ago. When she tried to stand earlier I thought she might have a chance, but her wounds I think were just to bad. My real fear is that she was in pain. She didn't act like it though. She slept the last hours of her life in my room and passed in her sleep. I still feel bad though, I should have watched better.
So sorry that she did not make it.
I am too. So sorry.
SO sorry for your loss! I had a similar situation in June and was devastated.
I'm so sorry you lost her. I know how devastating it is. Two years ago a neighbors dog did the same thing to one of my girls. She stopped bleeding but I knew she wouldn't stay with me long. I wrapped her in a towel and sat on the stairs with her and talked to her and rocked her like a baby. I sobbed like a kid. She seemed in shock and not in pain. I like to think that God at a certain point near the end makes the pain go away.

Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. We're human and boy do we make mistakes. The dog didn't know what he was doing. It's not his fault either. It just happened.

Your girl is up in that big meadow in the sky with my Sapphire catching bugs to their hearts content.

MOST important is to take care of yourself right now.
Please don't feel like this was your fault, because it really isn't. Chickens are a lot like toddlers, always getting into things, and no one can predict what they will get themselves into, nor prevent it. It's really not your fault, and I'm sure the dear biddy passed quickly. Hugs to you.

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