Can this still be Cocci? w/pics


11 Years
Jan 30, 2008
Middletown, NJ
Ameraucana chick, Betty, born May 21. No bloody stool that I noticed, although she is in a cage with her sister and two slightly older cochins. No pasty butt. Just started to seem weak and looking ragged, about three weeks ago, even though she was eating. Stopped eating well about two weeks ago, put them all on Sulmet - Betty also got a course of Corid - and hand-rearing baby bird food, which they all love. She eats this stuff like she's starving, and acts like the others, if just a shade more tired. Reason for the Cocci cures is I had had them all out on the lawn for a couple of those beautiful days in the spring and there were symptoms of nothing else. Also shown is a pic of her hatchmate, Veronica, for comparison. Betty is only a little thinner than Veronica, based on the feel of her keel, but her eyes and her general appearance are much worse. Have not separated her since the only place to do so is my bedroom, and I don't need them all calling back and forth 24 hrs a day. Just not sure how to proceed.






This is her healthier sister,Veronica
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When I see sunken eyes like that, I think dehydration. How about putting her on Pedialyte instead of water (available at the grocery store)? That will hydrate, replace lost minerals and electrolytes, and give her a little sugar to boost her energy. To be sure Betty is getting plenty of the Pedialyte, you may have to dribble some in her beak with an eyedropper several times a day. Go slowly so she doesn't choke. You can also use that instead of water for mixing her food.
Her eyes look droopy/weepy. Have you noticed any discharge? Looks like she could have a respiratory type infection. I would try a week's worth of aureomycin crumbles and see if that clears her up.
Thanks everyone. She has no discharge, no rattling or coughing. I have had that before and have about a 50/50 survival rate. She just seems worn out. I will try the pedialyte. I swear, the only thing that has saved her has been this baby bird food. Of course, it's expensive, or else she wouldn't like it! She goes to bed with a crop that must weigh more than she does. She just seems worn out, that's the best description.

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