Can we handle baby chicks today before introducing them to our broody hen?


10 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Hiya Chicken Family! We have a broody hen whose eggs are not hatching (4.5 weeks now) so we mail ordered chicks and they arrived today. I vaguely remember reading that it's best to introduce the chicks to mama at night time. Is it ok if we play with the chicks all day today before introducing them tonight? Obviously I don't want to complicate mama hen adopting them. I'm not sure if she will smell us on them or if there is any other problem. Also, I'm assuming that we should remove the eggs at the same time that we put the chicks in with her. Yes? Please, any tips are MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Thank you in advance!!!
In my experience, it should be fine. Your smell is not one that would likely be considered foreign or dangerous to your chicken, since you are her caretaker. It has been several years since my family has gone that route (I was still a kid, actually), but I do remember handling the chicks and them being accepted just fine :)
Hiya Chicken Family! We have a broody hen whose eggs are not hatching (4.5 weeks now) so we mail ordered chicks and they arrived today. I vaguely remember reading that it's best to introduce the chicks to mama at night time. Is it ok if we play with the chicks all day today before introducing them tonight? Obviously I don't want to complicate mama hen adopting them. I'm not sure if she will smell us on them or if there is any other problem. Also, I'm assuming that we should remove the eggs at the same time that we put the chicks in with her. Yes? Please, any tips are MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Thank you in advance!!!
Chickens can barely smell, so that factor wouldn’t be a problem. My worry is that the chicks would imprint on you while you play with them, instead of the broody hen. I’ve only done this once, so hopefully someone with more experience will come along.
Hiya Chicken Family! We have a broody hen whose eggs are not hatching (4.5 weeks now) so we mail ordered chicks and they arrived today. I vaguely remember reading that it's best to introduce the chicks to mama at night time. Is it ok if we play with the chicks all day today before introducing them tonight? Obviously I don't want to complicate mama hen adopting them. I'm not sure if she will smell us on them or if there is any other problem. Also, I'm assuming that we should remove the eggs at the same time that we put the chicks in with her. Yes? Please, any tips are MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Thank you in advance!!!
Looks like this has already happened, but we had the same issue, broody silkie whose eggs didn’t hatch and who was lining away for babies. Chicks arrived at 4 am, we warmed, gave food and Nutridrench and cuddled for an hour, then an hour before dawn, took her eggs out and slipped 7 chicks under her wings. I stayed and listened and just heard soft contented noises from hen and chicks - they bothe took to each other well. How did it go for you?

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