Can worms kill off chickens one by one slowly?

Dawg53 is the chicken worming expert here so I will let him tell you what to do and with what. I will tell you however I would not rely on DE too heavily. It didn't do crap for me. Maybe it is better to consider it more of a preventative aide. I like seven dust for mites and lice. It seems less intrusive although I have used ivomec pour on twice now to avoid having to dust them. Lazy!

Not sure about cutting up the chicken though! Had to help do that once when I was a kid....blech.
Oops he is offline. Here is a quote:
You need to purchase Valbazen (albendazole.) It is a liquid cattle/sheep wormer. If it's not at your feed store, you can order it online from or call them. It comes in a 500ml bottle. Valbazen kills all worms that chickens can get including tapeworms. Administer orally using a syringe (without needle.)
Dosage is 1/2cc for standard size chickens and 1/4cc for smaller chickens. Redose your chickens again in 10 days, same dosage. There is a grand total of 24 days withdrawal
Thanks so much. I'll see if my local UFA sells it otherwise I'll order some online.

Now to convince dh to stand by me while I open her up.
So it wasn't so bad but did smell bad. I looked at her skin and feathers and didn't see any mites. The area around her vent was so terrible though. Just as the other two. There was actually a large bubble coming out of her vent and when sliced deflated and sank down into the vent area.

What I found interesting was what I assume to be the large intestine. I'm assuming the small intestine would be full of black/brown/blue ish stuff that would be poop. The large was about a foot and a half long ish and had a very large mass in it. I'd say it was a bit smaller then a large marble. I squeezed from one end to the other to see if anything came out, like worms, and nothing did. It was totally empty but there was that mass. When I sliced into it it was very dense. Thoughts??

Also there were several spots in the small intestine? that had deviations off of it. Also like a horn and in that deviation it was also a bit dense but not anywhere near as dense as the marble size one.

I found one thing in the poop when I squeezed it out and that would have been a very very tiny taupe colored thing in the shape of a C. I have no idea due to lack of light if that could have been a worm or some undigested food morsal but thought I'd mention it.

I didn't go up further, wouldn't know what I was looking at anyway and there was blood. Ick!

Any thoughts on the mass, horn like deviations and tiny C shaped object?
Would anyone know where to look for images of a healthy intestine?

I've checked google and nothing suits my search. I am very interested in these masses and would like to discount them if they wouldn't be the reason for their poor appearnce for the last 4/5 months and ultimate death.

I cannot find the thread but I read on here recently about someone whose bird had internal masses..I cannot for the life of me remember who it was but I would be suspicious that that would have been the cause of death...and that there wasn't anything you could have done. If I find it I will let you know.

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