Can you damage a chicks eyes with a flashlicht before they hatch?


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
Orange County, California (Tustin)
This is my first time hatching eggs. I have a broody Buff Orpington named Big Bertha and boy is she broody. I am curious about checking the chicks inside the eggs. I used a flashlight I bought from Home Depot last weekend and it is 141 Lumen's. Is this to strong of a light to see the chicks? I am worried about damaging there tiny under developed eyes. I am an ultrasound tech by profession and man once you see that tiny little baby growing inside, you can't help but want to take a look and say hello every day, but in reality I don't check the chicks every day because I don't want to risk my human error by dropping one and costing it its life. But I just worry if you can over candle the eggs. BTW they are due on the 18th of August.
Can you tell were excited?

Thanks Shawn. I just wasn't sure if the bright light would cause any damage.

And Mission Viejo is just about 15 minutes south of me.

Thanks for the reply. I have 4 eggs under my broody hen that are due to hatch next Wednesday or so.


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