Can you eat fertile eggs?

I agree with bubbles mommy, there's no such thing as an ugly chicken! They're all created equally cute :)
That's so funny when I first started collecting chickens I didn't want a rooster 'cos of their big wattles, but now I love my roosters and I pet their wattles lol.
Yeah that is pretty neat looking! So mixing breeds like that wont cause any genetic defects will it?
Think of them like dog breeds - some of the crosses might be awkward, but they work genetically.
Generally you shouldn't have to worry about genetic defects unless if the parents have genetic mutations or defects. For example you shouldn't breed 2 frizzled birds together.
Here is a polish X silkie I hatched at Easter.

One of the prettiest chickens I have is a cross - white Cochin roo with SLW hen. She got the Cochin size and feathering but the egglaying of the SLW. Huge brown eggs. The thing with crosses, however is that if you hatch six eggs you can get six different looking chicks. There are some odd looking chickens, but I don't think of them as ugly. Genetics can be pretty complicated.
I don't ever find chickens to be ugly really ... except naked necks. They freak me out! (Sorry naked neck lovers)

To me there are chickens and then pretty chickens.
I saw my first one of those about a week ago.......I don't know if I freaked, but I knew for certain that I didn't want one......
I don't know! Sometimes their wattles I guess their called, freak me out if they are big!

That's so funny when I first started collecting chickens I didn't want a rooster 'cos of their big wattles, but now I love my roosters and I pet their wattles lol.
I almost didn't get chickens because their wattles/combs creeped me out.
I don't mind them at all now, and I hope my rooster has some nice big ones!
I now think the bigger combs/wattles they have, the more chicken-y they look.
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