Can you eat fertile eggs?

Here he is with his little brother. Both from the same hatch.

Am I the only one that think the roosters are the best part about having chicken? I mean, I love hens for the eggs of course, but roosters are so entertaining! And so beautiful! I give my roosters 'hug therapy' from the time they are chicks -- here I mean that each time they are bad I pick them up and hold them until they don't mind and realize humans are the boss -- and I've got super nice roosters! I use a purebred rooster all the time (so the offsprings don't continually get more and more mixed), and the hens are purebred and mixed. I find sex links can create pretty funky looking birds and I like it! Here's a photo of my Buckeye rooster and one of my sex link hen, and my Barred Rocks: I actually find the sex link prettier!! Maybe it's because she's the nicest of the hens and I'm a bit bias?! Hehe. And then I have my bantams...the rooster is a cross between Mille Fleur D'Uccle and Silver Phoenix and my hens are mixed (they look like game hens). I just hatch some eggs in the incubator (which is such an amazing experience!!) and look at the funky chicks I got...since I don't show my birds, I've really lost interest in this purebred thing. They all lay eggs and they're all beautiful!! For the candling of the eggs, you'd probably see something around day 3...the beginning, here's what you see at day 5: But coming back to your original question, as long as you put them in the fridge, nothing will develop and they'll taste and look just like non-fertile eggs (except you'll see a little white bullseye dot--that is if you really look for it!!!).
I agree! My roo is only 2 months old and is already very spunky! We let them free range so when someone pulls in our drive way, he runs up to see who it is.
I have 8 hens, one rooster, and all nine are a different breed (I like my colourful flock). I pull eggs at the end of the day, everyday, when I get home from work. If I'm home too late to go to the coop, I get them in the morning, and often find my little EE camped on them (they all lay in one nest). They go immediately into the fridge. I think they taste exactly like other eggs...well, actually, they taste way better than grocery store eggs, and they're infertile, and full of hormones, etc. Haven't raised chicks yet, but will in the future; curious to see what I get from a New Hampshire roo and any of my mixed girls.
We love to see the different kinds of chicken people come up with when mix breading.
We decided to bread some very unusual chickens together to see what the chick would look like.
Chickobird is a mix of a Plymouth Bard Rock (rooster) and a Buff Laced Polish (hen).

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