Can you eat the soft shell eggs?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Atlanta burbs
Found a jelly egg this morning and and just threw it in the woods. However, would it have been okay to eat if I had cooked it immediately?
I wouldn't think that just a membrane would be any protection against outside bacteria getting into the egg. I, myself, wouldn't risk it.

Good luck.
If the membrane isn't broken, we eat them right away. (don't store them, though) Just tear open the membrane and pour the egg into the hot pan. Inside, they are the same as any other egg - just no shell. We've never gotten sick or had any problem from eating these.
That's what I was thinking. The membrane was completely intact, and when I threw it into the woods, I saw it bust open - and it looked like a perfectly good egg. I wouldn't want to store it, but it seems like it would be okay to eat right away. I would think that the heat from cooking would kill any bacteria.
Sure as long as they are fresh--we just tear off the membrane and toss them in with the rest when we scramble them.
Hi, I have 3 hens laying eggs and 2 they just stared yesterday to lay, but they are laying sof shell eggs what can I do to fix it? I found one in the laying box last night and 2 inside the chicken coop this morning.
Hi, I have 3 hens laying eggs and 2 they just stared yesterday to lay, but they are laying sof shell eggs what can I do to fix it? I found one in the laying box last night and 2 inside the chicken coop this morning.
Not unusual to get some softshelled eggs(and other funky eggs) when they first start laying.
Can take up to a month or so for the ole egg machine to get tuned up.
Make sure you are providing layer feed and/or oyster shell on the side in a separate container.

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