can you feed minnows to ducks?

This is so nice,I know this shallow river were there are thousands of minnows and you can just sweep a net through it and youll catch atleast 10 lol.This is gonna save me alot of money in the summer instead of buying so much feed.
Yep, I had small minnow baskets I use to put our in our large swamp here for them, just so ya know, if it swims, they'll eat it. Crayfish, small fish, minnows, tadpoles, various crustaceans, even small eels...I always had migratorys birds, but a duck's a duck...
Gosh i hope you still check this. My husband brought home a baby Muscovy not sure how old it is but the mother left it when this baby duck wouldn't cone out of the nesting tree. We have been feeding it starter feed but our intentions are to release it back on the golf course he is from when he is old enough to fly. My concern is he wont be able to take care of himself. I thought about feeding him minnows but I'm unsure of what age they would start eating them. can you please advise. any information on raising this cute little guy would help.

Thanks soo much!
My duck is 2wks old andbis strictly aa house duck canni feed her minnows at this age or should i wait
Wait until it's at least 6 weeks old. You can feed other treats now but make sure to cut them very tiny. But it will also need grit. If your duck doesn't have any access to the outside were it can get to dirt and tiny rocks, you need to provide it with grit. At this age you would need grit for chicks (it will say on the bag for birds under 12 weeks.)

Check out this post for lots of ideas for healthy treats.
Wait until it's at least 6 weeks old. You can feed other treats now but make sure to cut them very tiny. But it will also need grit. If your duck doesn't have any access to the outside were it can get to dirt and tiny rocks, you need to provide it with grit. At this age you would need grit for chicks (it will say on the bag for birds under 12 weeks.)

Check out this post for lots of ideas for healthy treats.

She gets grit. We feedvher the chick starter we were told to feed her the day we got her. I was just wondering about the minnows what age she can start them at

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