Can you give turkeys corid and antibiotcs in yhe same water?


Apr 28, 2020
I have 3 poults and I've seen bloody poop, so I started giving them corid. But 2 of them are sneezing a lot, have discharge coming from their nose so I'm thinking a respiratory infection. Can I also add antibiotics to their water with the corid? Thanks!
@R2elk @Bo Garrett @casportpony @duluthralphie

Hi @OllieMs Welcome To BYC and the ER Forums.
I see you asked about the bloody poop on the chicken forums - did you see the replies? (link below)

I don't know anything about Turkeys, but generally if you are treating with Corid, that should be the only thing in the water. Same with a soluble antibiotic - that should be the only thing in the water.
If you can provide more information - what antibiotic you plan on using, what disease you suspect, photos, etc. that will be helpful to the others I have tagged in to offer suggestions.
My understanding is that Corid is not an antibiotic, it works on the cocci by inhibiting the absorption of B complex vitamins thus causing the death of the cocci by depravation. It should be fine to add the antibiotic and probably needed if the case is severe because the small intestine will be damaged and secondary infection can set up. I would recommend a broad based antibiotic such as penicillin. You can actually get this in tablets and not have to add to the water, most tablets come in 250 mg so you'll have to half or quarter depending on the size of the bird. Respiratory infections will probably need Tylan or Gallimycin, I used these in an alternating schedule on a year to year basis to combat resistance to the use of one antibiotic over time.
Also, turkeys are very susceptible to disease early in their life, I do not recommend putting them on the ground until they are at least 12 weeks old, wire bottom cages work best so as to keep them from walking in their own droppings which will help break the cycle of re-infection. They also do not handle inclement weather change well so keep them protected and dry during this time.
Hope all goes well.



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