Can you guys stand another silly newbie question...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
Oakland, CA
I want to get two Plymouth Rocks to round out my little flock of two-week-old babies (1 RIR, 1 Ameraucana, 1 Australorp, 1 Delaware). The feed store says it's getting a shipment of Barred Rocks - duh - does that mean barred Plymouth Rocks? If it is, then I'll be posting another question soon about integrating the two new girls with my current four (which are growing so fast I can almost hear it).

Yes! Barred Rock is short for Barred Plymouth Rock.

Don't throw them day old chicks in with the two week olds. You are going to have to keep them segregated for a few weeks, or until the new ones do some growing.
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I'm figuring on keeping the new girls separate until they're a few weeks - is it best to introduce them all while they're out exploring or something, rather than just plunking them in with the Original Four? I won't be getting the Barred Rocks (I've learned a new term!) until the end of March, and the first chicks will be about 4 weeks at that point. When the BRs are a few weeks old, would that be when to start mixing the group for supervised play sessions? I can see how this chicken thing could grow into an obsession of sorts...

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