Can you help me build a pen :).

what is the most awful thing about them

Everything. They're just flighty, awful birds, who will chase and pick on birds ten times their size. They had my Cornish roosters (real bruisers of chickens) huddled up in a corner in terror. They'll pick each other half to death unless you give them either a ridiculously large amount of space or apply pinless peepers to every single bird. And when startled they like to flush off the ground, straight into your face. One gave me a black eye and another very nearly broke my nose.

I love birds, don't get me wrong, but Partridge are horrendous. Even if I found them less awful than they are, certainly I would never recommend them to a beginner just because they require more specialized care and handling than most other species.

ok thanks ,can partridges and quails live together 

I tried that once. The Partridge killed and ate the quail.
really,so I have to separate them  

Some species can be mixed, it's usually a hassle but it can be done, but not quail. Any other species will kill them. They're dead bottom of the food chain.

Partridge should be separate from most species, though strangely they seem to get along with pigeons reasonably well.

Pigeons should have a separate loft/sleeping area from chickens. They can share the same yard as chickens provided they have roosts they can fly up to when necessary. Plus they need different feeds, so their feed will have to be either high off the ground where the chickens can't reach it or inside their loft.

Guineas can be housed with chickens but they have a tendency to chase after them and pull their tail feathers, so they should have pinless peepers applied in most cases.

My suggestion would be to start with one coop, one run, and one species. Chickens would be ideal. After you have had experience keeping an easy species, consider adding another one (preferably in a SEPARATE coop and run, as running multiple species is a massive hassle and usually a worse situation for the birds). Keeping multiple spruces is no walk in the park and should not be a project taken on by a first timer.

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