Can you help me identify what I bought???

The eggs they are laying so far are beige. And will we be able to tell exactly what she is when she starts to lay? I am so confused with these new chickens and roo! I guess it will all unveil itself as they get older.

These are their eggs next to my red sexlinks eggs.
I am sorry I am so new to this. I don't know what I am looking for with muffs. She is still young, so would they even be there?



Here are some other pictures that aren't so good, only because she follows me around and stays under my feet like a baby that wants to be held.
I think that what she lays will Definetly narrow down her breed. If the egg is blue or green she is an EE. But a white, cream, or brown egg doesn't rule out EE. Whatever she is she is adorable and sweet. Muffs are feathers that sort of puff out on the side of the face under/over the ear area. Easter Eggers are typically a cross of an americauna and any other breed of chicken.The muff and beard come from the americauna and tend to be present in EE. But not always.

This is a pic of an OEGB that I found which seems to support the seller that she is an OEGB. I found this pic at
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