Can you incubate turkey eggs at different stages in the same incubator?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
Can you put turkey eggs that are at different stages of growth together in the same incubator? I know you have to increase the humidity during the last three days so how does this work if the eggs are at different stages?
I was given 4 turkey eggs last summer with unknown hatch date. I candled them but couldn't tell how much time they had left before hatch date. I put them in my hatching incubator in a auto-turner and ran the humdity at about 50%. I basically just forgot about them. I can home from work a litlle under two weeks later and discovered - Three hatched while the auto-turner was still going. No raised humidity or anything and I had 3 fluffy poults looking out the viewing window. Fourth egg had died earlier. That is my only experience with turkey eggs. Good Luck with yours.
We did in our r-com pro, at 70% humidity. One of our Rio Grande hen was broody and next thing we knew she had 30 eggs under her, I guess the other hen was going and laying too. Long story short we found one baby that hatched dead with all other eggs still in place. We pulled them all and candled them with guestamated dates of 24 days 10 days and 4 days. Put them in the bator and so far hatched 11 baby's with no issues.
Awesome I was worried about that and didn't know what to do with just one incubator and different staged eggs. So the humidity during the first 25 days can be as high as it is supposed to be during the 3 hatching days?
We have eggs between 4 days and 24 days. All are in the incubator at 70% humidity. We just got our 14th baby turkey today. You can google turkey egg candeling stages and then use a flashlight and candle your eggs to get an idea of how old they are.
Besides candling you can tell which eggs are going to hatch first by temperature of the egg.
No handling involved.
As the poult develops in the egg the egg temperature gets higher.
This also happens when you incubate bees.
The more mass they build the more the temperature raises.
You can use a temperature gun to find the eggs temp.
It helps to have the eggs a little dirty because the surface colour could affect the guns readings.
Black gives more accurate readings them white or shiny surfaces.
I heard white gives slightly higher temp readings.
yes you can, but this will result in different hatch times and different ages. and this will result in bullying which is therefore not advisable
Yes, I do it all the time. Chickens, ducks and Turkey eggs go in as they are laid, never had a problem with them being staggered! Good Luck!
This is great since I only have 1 incubator so far and wasn't sure how to start out. I have been putting the turkey eggs in as they are being laid so hopefully some of them are fertilized. The egg collecting is pretty slow right now because we only have 2 toms and 2 hens right now and they lay only 1 egg each a day if any at all. I also have 6 chicken eggs in the same incubator so we will see how this goes. One last question and I should have all my answers for now. On the 25th day it says to take out the egg turners and put the eggs on the bottom rack of the incubator but if all eggs are at different stages and I would still have eggs that need to be turned how would I go about doing this and also since you are supposed to leave the poults/chicks in the incubator for the first 12 hours the egg turners would be in the way also. Does anyone have a way around this? What do you guys do?

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