Can you look at my wish list?


5 Years
Jul 5, 2016
I have 8 easter eggers currently, and would like to double my flock, as I have TONS of room (8 acres of land, 160 sq foot run, 100 sq foot coop), and my girls are getting past their laying prime. Our chickens are mainly pets, with eggs as a side benefit. We chose our next 8 just by cold tolerance and appearance- we like having chickens that we can tell apart by sight.

Here's my list of chicks that I'd like to order, but I am not sure if there's any reason why any of these would not do well in our New England climate, or if it's a bad idea to get just one of each? Do they do better if they have a buddy that looks like them?

black australorp
buff orpington
golden laced wyandotte
lavender orpington
silver laced wyandotte
speckled sussex
golden cuckoo marans

:) Jen
I just noticed that this would go better in the breeds forum. Feel free to delete the double post.

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