Can you mix CORID and LS-50 for the first 5 days?


5 Years
Sep 27, 2015
Could I mix corid and ls-50? Or is this stuff even necessary, raised chickens all my life and never used vaccines or medicated feed but I would like to raise even healthier chickens than I have been.
For thousands of years chickens have been hatched and raised with no medications. I do not consider any medications necessary at all unless I am treating something specific..

The way I try to raise healthy chickens is to strengthen their natural immunities. As much as possible I raise them from hatch in their natural environment. A broody hen manages that for me but for my brooder-raised chicks I feed some dirt from the run on the second or third day in the brooder and repeat every few days. This gets grit into their system, gets them any probiotics the adults may have, and gets them started on the flock immunities they may need.

Keep the brooder pretty dry so you don't have a breeding ground for disease but don't keep them in an isolated sterile environment. Expose them as much as you reasonably can so they have strong immune systems.
Could I mix corid and ls-50? Or is this stuff even necessary, raised chickens all my life and never used vaccines or medicated feed but I would like to raise even healthier chickens than I have been.
If they aren't sick there is no reason to medicate them. :)

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