Can you use Tetracycline and baytril together ?


8 Years
May 27, 2015
I have a sick rooster he is just over a year old and suddenly started having trouble crowing now a week later is wheezing bad and out of breath we have separated him and I started him on soluable tetracycline in his water because I completely forgot I still had baytril my question is could I still give him the baytril while he is on the tetracycline or is it just one or the other
I've given both together in the past with no ill effects. I know tetracycline is designed to work effectively with other medications. That said Baytril is strong stuff, the tetracycline may not even be necessary.
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Resurrecting this topic beause I came here from google.

Actually, the Baytril information lists explicitly that it should not be combined with tetracycline:
Do not use enrofloxacin concomitantly with antimicrobial substances acting antagonistically to quinolones (e.g. macrolides, tetracyclines, or phenicols).

It seems to be a general rule not to mix bactericide and bacteriostatic antibiotics (exceptions apply).

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