Candling question


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
This is my first round of hatching eggs and things seem to be going well in the incubator. I have been periodically candling the eggs and am now at day 17 (duck eggs). I am fascinated to be able to watch this process, but am trying to refrain from candling too much. Right now, it is hard to tell what is what in there, but I am feeling like if I see movement, the embryos are alive and well? The air sac seems to be progressing correctly, and the mysterious dark blob inside the egg seems to be growing and moving quite a bit- I can usually see definite repetitive movement- not just something shifting because I turned the egg over. Am I on the right track? Can anyone refer me to a resource that tells me what I am looking at? I have found info about what is developing right now, but it is hard to tell what is what and which end is which, and if that little thing waving back and forth is a wing, or a leg, or something else entirely. This is a test hatch at home before I do another hatch in my second grade classroom and I know my kids are going to want to know what they are looking at when we candle. Thanks for any help and advice you have to offer!
You are certainly on the right track. That wave is a developing duckling and it will be coming along in due time. No worries mate, as they like to say down under.
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I am a 2nd grade teacher too! I have 30 eggs right now, there are 20 Call eggs and 10 Cayuga eggs. This is my first time doing Cayugas. I do this project with my students every year. I usually do calls. Last year I did Pekins and none hatched, it was the first time that had happened and my students so so disappointed! I am hoping we have better luck this year. We candled our eggs today and could see substantial growth in all but 6. We had 4 clear eggs and 2 blood rings that we threw out. We are going to candle again on day 14. It is very exciting for all, but make sure you prepare them for the possibility of them not hatching! So far that's only happened to me one year, but you never know!!!

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