Candling question


8 Years
Feb 6, 2011
Western Iowa
okay so it is day 10 and i took the 42 eggs out to candle them.
-i threw away 5 for not having developed at all and i threw another one out cause it just had a blood ring.

- 6 i am sure are developing and alive because i can see them moving.
there are 20 that are all really really dark on the wide end of so dark i cant tell if there is even any veins but i can see the air sack has gotten slightly larger

- then there are some that have an actual dark ring around the center in one of these i saw a living embryo. these are all light tan eggs i never thought they would be so hard to candle. ill up load pics after awhile.

i lost a batch last year cause one exploded...needless to say i stink at candling
So whats your question?
oh right...
i have no clue if the ones that are dark on the wide end could still be good. sorry im in the process of taking pictures its too hard to explain.
if you could just give me and idea as to what you think these eggs are up too and wether or not they are viable.





It's really hard to say from pics. I think #s 6 and 7 look pretty good, #5 not so much, the others I'm not sure of. You could keep them a few more days maybe? I hope someone else has some input for you. I'm just wingin it myself.
Sorry I've got shaky hands and taking pics in the dark with out a flash is somewhat of a chore to get them to turn out.
Most of the eggs are like the eggs in pics 1 and 2... just too dark to see anything. Is it normal or common for them to be so dark in that area?
Some of the darkness could be from the candling technique, some of it could be embyo and circulation growth, and some of it could be clots from developmental problems.

overall though, your pics aren't that bad, I've never had one of my candling pics turn out as anything other than a blur, so, good job there!!

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