Candling the eggs- pitch black?!?


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
So this is my first hatch and I have four eggs that I could see with blood vessels in the early days growing. So they are definitely fertile. That was around day 5 that I could see development.

It is now day 13 and with every single light in my house I use, all four eggs are pitch black! I cannot see a thing, except when I move the light to the base of the egg, I can see the air cell glowing. Is it always this difficult to see the embryo? I have tried every Possible candling light in my house with no luck.

I have 3 pitch black eggs! 3 half black, which I can see a black chick moving in my blue/green egg! I'm hoping that's my girl! The father is barred rock. I wasn't going to look today, but I couldn't help it. I'm putting away the flashlight. I'm expecting hatchlings starting the 23rd-27th. All still look good(I hope).

I got the dog kennel ready for the new arrival I'm keeping today. :D
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