Canker - timing of meds for crop


10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
Not much progress to report on her canker - been treating now for 4 days with second drug: Ronidazole 2x day, which is considered an antibiotic. I looked in mouth and sores - yellow growths are still there and no change detected. I have noticed since I began this new med, her crop feels worse like there is air in it not always water. It does seem to empty somewhat overnight, but when I massage her crop I get an occasional burp. She also has begun drinking more and I pulled their water for a while yesterday to discourage this but her crop still feels bloated. I believe she has a thrush infection in her crop now although her breath smells normal.

Am putting ACV in water, was feeding proBios but not today cuz I need to change regimen. I have seen posts regarding Miconazole for thrush, and I have to try and see if it helps at all. Gave her some this morn. I feel like I'm swimming upstream here. When you give long term antibiotics you run the risk of a secondary infection usually a yeast. I suspect that she has had this canker for so long it's probably a lost cause. New behavior today: just sitting in the laying box, she hadn't been doing that before. Uh-oh!

Here's my question:

I am giving both drugs - I heard somewhere that you don't give them together or you separate them by two hours or so. I dunno. Anyone have any opinions or suggestions on the timing of giving these? I gave the Miconazole, waited 2 hours, then the Ronidazole. Any insight would help here Thanks
Anyone? I need to know if I should give her another dose of Miconozole for the crop fungus stuff. How many times a day do you give that? Just got home, she looks like she's walking around now, feeling better, but I was hoping for some guidance or opinions here, if nothing else, cheer me on
I'm cheering you on!
I'm sorry but I don't have a much additional help beyond moral support. Our wild dove and pigeon population here has a terribly high incidence of canker and I'm always on the look out for it in my birds. Maybe the strain of trichomonas your bird has isn't responding to the Ronidazole. The Merck Vet. Manual recommends metronidazole (Flagyl) and dimetridazole; maybe one of those will work if the Ronidazole doesn't. I don't know anything about the timing of the two drugs. I hope your girl can kick this!
Thanks Gallo - this battle is wearing me out b/c its such a roller coaster. Right now it really helps me to have your support b/c there's been times I've thought of just culling, but she is so sweet (aren't they all?). I know I'll probably lose in the end, but as long as she's willing to eat and drink I'll help her fight on. I tried the FishZole which is the Flagyl stuff, but those have been over-used so much (resistance). I read that Ronidazole is a newer drug, but still in the same class, so she started that as of last Friday. I also read about a study where they treated for protozoa on women (vaginal) I know, not the same type of protozoa, but I wanted to see about the timing and effectiveness of the antibiotic used in conjunction with miconazole for yeast. They found that when the two drugs were used together they had better results and less relapse than if they only treated with the antibiotic (Flagyl) by itself. So today I gave her both kinds at the same time. She didn't appreciate my efforts and went back to sit in the box (she stopped laying), but came out when I brought the cut up cucumber lol. Thanks for your support, this has been going on for a few weeks and I think I'll be able to write a book about it someday
I'll update it from time to time, hopefully with good news!

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