Canned Salsa separating


Jul 31, 2017
I have a glass top stove, so recently bought a propane outdoor stove to can
I can’t keep my tomatoes/salsa from separating. Growing up, we pressured all our tomatoes so it’d be faster than a water bath. We’d simply can them just until they hit a ‘jingle’ and cut them off and they were perfect. (not saying this is the health standards, but we're all still alive)

Everything I’ve read online says pressure for much longer, so against my better judgment, I did 10lbs for 15 minutes and they separated just as I suspected...AWFULLY. Next, I cranked up the heat on the propane stove and let them jingle for maybe 5 minutes, separated again, but not as bad.

I'm coring my tomatoes, then squeezing them to the consistency of stewed tomatoes, adding Mrs Wages salsa mix as directed, then heating it just until hot and pouring into hot jars for the canner.

Google says 40 minutes in a water bath, and I think they’ll do the same thing, plus I really need to be able to use the pressure canner so I can finish them faster.

Please help!
Hi and welcome to BYC. Sorry, I have no advice to give. As well as BYC, there's a sister site you'll find at the bottom of this page - where you may also find the information you are seeking.
Welcome to BYC! I have never used a pressure canner, I use the hot water bath method and have never had a problem with anything "separating". Exactly what is it that is separating? There is also a gardening section here on BYC you may want to post in (as many of us gardeners can as well) in addition to the Selfsufficiency forum Ken suggested.
Welcome to BYC from middle Tennessee, there's a gardening forum here that might hold your answer. I have yet to try salsa, so I'm interested in what you find as i hope to have enough tomatoes and peppers sometime in the next couple of weeks. :welcome
I have been pressure canning for about fifty years. I have always uses the ball blue book as my pressure and time guide. My tomato products always separate, juice, stewed tomatoes, salsa...etc. it doesn't harm the finished product. I just shake it up befor I open the jar. I know that is a simple solution to the problem, but it works.
Welcome aboard! :frowThe sister gardening site might be able to help too.

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Sorry the only thing I know about canning, is open a can with a can opener. Not quite what you need to know. Welcome to BYC

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