I still think Ayam Cemani or a mix with it in it, a Kadaknath which is an all black bird with black comb and wattles as well as black legs and feet. Again, I don't know how common they are, a Swedish Black AKA Svarthöna. All have black skin as well as black combs and wattles, legs and feet. With the brown streaks in the feathers it could be a mix with one of these breeds in it.
So first of all, it seems like the group consensus is that it was a He and not a she. I had my doubts when TCS said they were all hens. Does anyone disagree?

The breeds we have narrowed down to are: 1) Ayam Cemani or a mix with it (possible silkie, side note, what distinguishing features would classify it as a slikie mix?), or, 2) Svart Höna (Swedish Black Hen), or 3) Kadaknath (however this breed comb style seems different than mine, I also did not notice brown) 4) A mix of any of the above -- Am I missing any?

I would love to know for sure. This is quite the puzzle.

And thank you everyone, this has been amazing, i love the community of chicken owners.

@cmom @Gray Farms @TheOddOneOut @Dawnclucks22 @21hens-incharge

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