can't decide - need advice


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Calhan, Colorado
I got my shipment of 10 Grey Toulouse in this morning. Two of them did not survive the trip
and one of them is not a Grey Toulouse. As best as I can figure is that it is a Roman Tufted. I only wanted 2, and had decided on the Toulouse. But now I am confused, should I keep the little roman one, or would it be better to keep 2 of the others. If I keep one of each, will they be unhappy? I am also raising ducklings, Rouen, Ancona, Blue Swedish - are both of the geese breeds okay with that ? I did no research on the Roman Tufted, so I have no idea. So confused. And I really don't want to keep three, because I would like to get two Sebastopols down the road and I would start having space issues. This all so new to me, my first year trying ducks and geese.
so actually what I am asking is:
is it okay to have just one of each breed (like one Toulouse and one Roman) ?
or should I keep two Toulouse?
are Roman Tufted okay with ducks also?
I am keeping two and I have homes for the others, just not sure of which ones to let go
hope that makes more sense than my ramblings from earlier, sorry
Hi there and congrats on getting goslings! It is perfectly fine to have one of each breed. They will both get along well with each other and with your ducks. I get the feeling you want to keep the roman.... so go for it!

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