Can't diagnose issue with hen


5 Years
Jun 19, 2014
I've been searching here and the web for answers but can't really find any direction for my wyandotte. She's 9 mo old.

Sunday: I noticed she was keeping to herself mostly in the coop while everyone else was outside. She seemed sleepy and was lethargic. I picked her up with ease and my wyandottes are the hardest ones to catch so this was my first indication of a problem. I placed her outside and she walked around a little but still acted like she wanted to sleep. I suspected egg bound but put her back in the coop to see what the next day brought....

Monday: My daughter lets them out in the am so I didn't get to see her then. When I came home from work I noticed that she wasn't in the run with the others. I found her on the floor in the corner of the coop. I do not know if she roosted there all night but suspect she did. While I was looking her over, one of my barred rocks came in to pick on her. Now I knew something was wrong so I brought her inside to isolate her. Here is what I did yesterday;

1. Sat her in warm water for about 15-20 min then blow dried her
2. checked for a bound egg, found nothing
3. gave her an epsom salt solution in hopes of flushing out her crop is it was impacted but it didn't feel really large.
4. noticed she seemed really thin (she has always been the smallest one)
5. tried giving her some plain greek yogurt but would only take what I would physically place in her mouth.
6. mixed some layer pellets with water an left it with he along with some water

She spent the night in the crate with the hopes she would be alive this am....

Today: The food has not been touched and I'm not sure about the water. She did poop. This is what it looks like

I have since tube fed her about 30 ml of crumbles/electrolyte the consistency of pancake batter. I have also found what I think are lice, when I look under her wings close to the skin, they are super small, fast moving and a light brown/opaque. I have since dusted the coop with sevin but haven't done anything to her yet.

Here is a photo and short video of her;


She is not wheezing, she complains when I pick her up and initially struggles when I try to feed her.

I can't figure out what else to do.
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I have also given her a straight 30 ml dose of electrolytes this evening and will do it again in the am and dusted her with sevin. I plan to dose her internally with antibiotics tomorrow as soon as I get a scale that I can weigh mg on.

Am I at least doing all I can at this point or should I be heading in another direction?
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